September 21, 2023
Charles F. (Chuck) Lee, PE
Electrical Engineer, ABCWUA

“Supply Chain Challenges and Strategies”
Chuck Lee, PE is currently serving as an electrical engineer at the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority. He has considerable experience managing project teams in the electrical and information technology industries and is currently supporting electrical design and construction projects in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and New York state. He also, supports Business Development and Quality Management issues throughout the organization. In this role, Mr. Lee’s primary duty is providing project management for capital improvement projects – both large and small.
April 20, 2023
David A. Simpson, PE
Proprietor & Principal Engineer, MuleShoe Engineering

“Comparative Risks of Hydrostatic vs. Pneumatic Pipeline Testing”
David A. Simpson, PE has worked in Oil & Gas since 1980 and is currently the Proprietor and Principal Engineer of MuleShoe Engineering. Based in the San Juan Basin of Northern New Mexico, MuleShoe Engineering addresses issues in Coalbed Methane, Low Pressure Operations, Gas Compression, Gas Measurement, Field Construction, Gas Well Deliquification, and Produced Water Management. Prior to forming MuleShoe Engineering, Mr. Simpson was a Facilities Engineer for Amoco and BP for 23 years. A Professional Engineer with his Master’s degree, David has had numerous articles published in professional journals, has contributed a chapter on CBM to the 2nd edition of Gas Well Deliquification, by Dr. James Lea, et al. In 2017, David completed Practical Onshore Gas Field Engineering published by Elsevier. He is a regular contributor to various conferences on Deliquification, CBM, and Low Pressure Operations. He holds a BSIM from the University of Arkansas and an MSME from the University of Colorado. Licensed in New Mexico and Colorado.
October 20, 2022
John Rhoderick
New Mexico Environment Department, Water Protection Division
Acting Director

“Planning & Implementing Successful Projects under the Bi-partisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Build America, Buy America (BABA)“
John Rhoderick has been with the New Mexico Environment Department since 2007, when he started as an Environmental Scientist/Specialist in the Environmental Health Bureau. He became the Deputy Director of the Water Protection Division in February of 2021 and the Acting Director in May of 2021. The Water Protection Division encompasses the Groundwater Quality Bureau, the Surface Water Quality Bureau, the Drinking Water Quality Bureau, and the Construction Programs Bureau.
August 18, 2022
Marta J. Ortiz
Capital Improvement Manager: Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority

“ASSET MANAGEMENT- Leveraging Asset Data, Developing Capital Improvement Budgets, and Life Cycle Accounting”
Marta J. Ortiz is the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Manager and oversees all CIP budgets, capital asset inventories, grant administration, and capital financial reporting activities for the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority since 2014.
Marta has more than 25 years of government capital asset and financial reporting experience and manages over $5 billion water and wastewater system assets, to include piping, valves, pumps, and fleet. Marta also develops the 10-year CIP budget leveraging asset data and life-cycle accounting. Marta holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting.
March 17, 2022